Nov 19, 2021
Let's celebrate International Men's Day
Some thoughts thoughts around the importance of International Men's Day, utilising privileges, male mental health and how men can be...

Jun 5, 2020
Will Our New Abnormal Future End Up Mirroring the Past?
Blog written in my role as an Associate with Charlotte Sweeney & Associates As all of us experience our new, restricted lifestyle within...

Aug 8, 2019
Can you help me support Focus Ireland’s Shine a Light 2019 campaign?
I need your help. Will you please consider helping me to fund raise for Focus Ireland’s Shine a Light campaign, to enable people to get...

Feb 25, 2019
Difference is the difference that will make the difference
This point was echoed in Saturday’s ‘Diversity on Screen’ panel as part of the ongoing Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival...

Jan 22, 2019
Why more men need to Lean In
As a privileged white man, I know I am lucky. I am lucky to have had the support and sponsorship throughout my education and professional...

Dec 3, 2018
What RTÉ means to me
I have always felt that RTÉ, as our national public service broadcaster, is an important, relevant and trusted institution. As someone...

Sep 13, 2018
Workplace Inequality is a huge problem – how Diversein.com is helping solve it
Two weeks ago, I attended the Ireland launch of the new global Diversity & Inclusion Embassy, Diversein (www.diversein.com). Founded by...

Nov 3, 2017
Why men should step up and speak out for Inclusion & Diversity
Last month, the Harvard Business Review published a piece about how lots of men are gender equality allies in private but remain silent...

Aug 31, 2017
Guide: 8 Tips to inclusion & diversity
As an employer, understanding the difference between inclusion and diversity makes you appear less like a dinosaur. Doing business in...